
Isabela National High School

Batch Matatag Alumni Association

Constitution and Bylaws


We, the alumni of Isabela National High School Batch Matatag, who graduated on March 30, 2001, in order to promote unity, foster camaraderie, and advance the interests of our alma mater and its graduates, hereby establish this constitution and bylaws for the Isabela National High School Batch Matatag Alumni Association. 

Article I: name

1.1 The name of this organization shall be the Isabela National High School Batch Matatag Alumni Association, hereinafter referred to as the "Alumni Association". 

article ii: mission and objectives

2.1 Mission: The Alumni Association aims to foster a strong bond among graduates of Isabela National High School Batch Matatag, promoting camaraderie, professional networking, and community engagement. 

2.2 Objectives:

a. To facilitate communication and networking among alumni for personal and professional development.

b. To support the alma mater in its educational endeavors and projects.

c. To organize social, cultural, and charitable activities that benefit both members and the community.

d. To uphold the values and traditions of Isabela National High School Batch Matatag. 

article iii: membership

3.1 Eligibility: Membership in the Alumni Association is open to all graduates of Isabela National High School Batch Matatag who graduated on March 30, 2001, including those post graduates, if there is any.

3.2 Rights and Privileges: Members shall have the right to vote, hold office, and participate in all activities and events organized by the Alumni Association.

3.3 Dues: Membership dues may be established by the Alumni Association as deemed necessary to support its activities and initiatives. The amount and frequency of dues shall be determined by the Board of Directors.

3.4 Termination: Membership may be terminated for non-payment of dues, misconduct, or any action deemed detrimental to the Alumni Association's objectives. Termination of membership shall be subject to review by the Board of Directors.

Article IV: Governance

4.1 Board of Directors: The Alumni Association shall be governed by a Board of Directors composed of elected officers and appointed members.

4.2 Officers: The officers of the Alumni Association shall include the President, Vice President for internal and Vice President for external, Secretary and Assistant Secretary, Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer, Auditors, Focal persons, Batch Coordinators, and such other officers as deemed necessary. Officers shall be elected by the general membership for a term of two years.

4.2.1 The President serves as its leader and official representative. The president will fulfill the duties and responsibilities with dedication and integrity, always prioritizing the association's mission and the well-being of its members.

4.2.2 The Vice President shall support the President and assist in the internal affairs of the Alumni Association. There will be at least two Vice Presidents that handle internal and external responsibilities. In this capacity, the Vice Presidents shall fulfill the following duties: 

Internal Responsibilities:

The Vice President supports the President and assists with internal affairs. Their duties include:

External Responsibilities:

The Vice President represents the association in external matters, including:

4.2.3 The Secretary of the Alumni Association shall be responsible for maintaining accurate records of meetings, correspondence, and other important documents. The Assistant Secretary shall assist the Secretary in these tasks. They shall handle external communications and correspondence on behalf of the association, as delegated by the President or Vice President. They may also represent the association in external meetings and events when necessary. 

4.2.4 The Treasurer of the Alumni Association shall be responsible for managing the association's finances, including record-keeping, budgeting, and financial reporting. The Assistant Treasurer shall assist the Treasurer in these tasks. They shall handle external financial transactions and communications on behalf of the association, as delegated by the President or Vice President. They may also represent the association in financial matters with external parties when necessary.

4.2.5 The Auditors of the Alumni Association shall be responsible for conducting regular audits of the association's financial records and procedures to ensure compliance with established audit policies and regulations. They shall also oversee external audits conducted by independent auditors, if deemed necessary by the Board of Directors. They shall report their findings to the Board and recommend any necessary actions to address identified issues or concerns.

4.2.6 Focal Persons of the Alumni Association shall be appointed to serve as dedicated point of contact for its members following the class sections (S1 to Section 16) of the association. Focal persons shall be responsible for the facilitating communication, providing assistance, and disseminating information on behalf of the association.

4.2.7  Batch Coordinators of the Alumni Association shall serve as points of contact and representatives for their respective graduating batches. They shall facilitate communication, organize gatherings, and foster unity among batchmates.

4.3 Committees: The Board of Directors may establish committees as necessary to carry out the objectives of the Alumni Association. Committee members shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the Board.

Article V: Meetings

5.1 General Assembly: The Alumni Association shall hold an annual general assembly to report on its activities, elect officers, and discuss matters of interest to the membership.

5.2 Board Meetings: The Board of Directors shall meet regularly to conduct the business of the Alumni Association. Additional meetings may be called as necessary by the President or upon request of a majority of the Board.

5.3 Grand Alumni Homecoming: The Alumni Association shall organize a Grand Alumni Homecoming event to foster camaraderie, celebrate achievements, and strengthen connections among alumni.

Article VI: Amendments

6.1 These constitution and bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the members present at any regular or special meeting called for that purpose, provided that notice of the proposed amendments has been given to the membership at least thirty days in advance.

Article VII: Dissolution

7.1 In the event of dissolution, any remaining assets of the Alumni Association shall be distributed to Isabela National High School or to a charitable organization as determined by the Board of Directors.

Article VIII: Separability CLAUSE

8.1 Any provisions of these constitution and bylaws that conflict with the provisions of the general constitution and bylaws of Isabela National High School Grand Alumni Association (INHS GAA) are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.

Article IX: Adoption

9.1 These constitution and bylaws shall be adopted upon approval by a majority vote of the members present at a general assembly called for that purpose.

Adopted in the City of Ilagan, Isabela, Philippines, this ______ day of ____________, 20___.

President: JUNE MALANA

Vice President for internal: KENNY BILGERA

Vice President for external: JOJO RODRIGUEZ


Assistant Secretary: LEA VALENTIN

Treasurer: RUDY C. NICOLAS

Assistant Treasurer: JANE TACCAD




Batch Coordnator: CIELO M. ZIPAGAN

These constitution and bylaws are pending to be adopted upon ratification by members of the Alumni Association. For proposal of ammendments, revisions, etc. you may send it to: